Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cómo llenar la planilla I-130 para pedir a cónyuge

Cà ³mo llenar la planilla I-130 para pedir a cà ³nyuge  ¿Eres un ciudadano que quieres reclamar una tarjeta de residencia para tu esposo/a que se encuentra en otro paà ­s? Explicacià ³n paso a paso de la planilla (forma)  I-130 para estos casos.   Pedir la residencia para un cà ³nyuge extranjero de un ciudadano americano es un proceso con mà ºltiples pasos. Todo se inicia presentando una peticià ³n al Servicio de Ciudadanà ­a e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en ingles). Esta peticià ³n implica llenar varias planillas y enviar copias de documentos. Pero el papel fundamental es el I-130. A continuacià ³n sigue una explicacià ³n detallada de quà © debes responder en cada pregunta del formulario, adaptado para el caso de que se trate de un ciudadano americano que reclama una tarjeta de residencia para su esposo/a y à ©ste est en el extranjero. Explicacià ³n paso a paso de cà ³mo llenar la planilla I-130 cuando un ciudadano reclama a un cà ³nyuge que se encuentra en el extranjero.   (En el à ºltimo prrafo podrs encontrar un enlace directo a la planilla I-130, que podrs descargarte gratuitamente - nunca pagues por un formulario del USCIS, son siempre gratis). Esta planilla tiene dos hojas.   Primera hoja: No escribas nada en la parte superior donde pone: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK Baja el cursor hasta donde veas la letra A en mayà ºscula seguido de la palabra Relationship. Aquà ­ tà º, el ciudadano americano, debes contestar a tres preguntas. En la 1 marca con una x la opcià ³n husband/wife, ya que ests reclamando a  tu cà ³nyugeEn la 2 pregunta si tu cà ³nyuge y tà º ests emparentados por adopcià ³n. Marca No, a menos que eso no sea el caso.En la 3 pregunta si te hiciste residente por adopcià ³n. Marca Sà ­ o No, segà ºn sea tu caso. A continuacià ³n vers que el la pgina se divide  (de un modo no muy claro) en dos columnas. La primera, bajo la letra B, en la que debes completar informacià ³n sobre ti, que eres el ciudadano. En la columna de enfrente, que comienza con la letra C en mayà ºscula, sobre tu esposo/a extranjero. Vers que las preguntas de la 1 a la 12 para ambos y simplemente hay que contestar lo que corresponda a cada uno. Pregunta 1. Nombre, empezando por el apellido (en mayà ºsculas), seguido por el primer nombre y el segundo, si lo hubiera. Por ejemplo: RODRIGUEZ   Marà ­a Luz. Escribir el del ciudadano y en la columna de enfrente el del  cà ³nyuge Pregunta 2. La direccià ³n de cada uno en el momento actual.   Pregunta 3. Lugar de nacimiento, colocando primero la ciudad y luego el paà ­s. Por ejemplo: si Madrid, Spain y lo que corresponda  para tu esposo/a. Pregunta 4: Fecha de nacimiento. Escribirla poniendo dos dà ­gitos para el mes seguido del dà ­a y cuatro dà ­gitos para el aà ±o. Por ejemplo, para escribir el 24 de septiembre de 1967 hay que poner 09/24/1967. Pregunta 5: Gà ©nero, marcando male si se es hombre y female si se es mujer. Nota: desde junio de 2013 los matrimonios homosexuales y de lesbianas tienen beneficios migratorios como los de las parejas heterosexuales, con lo que es posible marcar en las dos columnas la opcià ³n de varà ³n o la de mujer.   Pregunta 6: Marcar married, ya que à ©sta se trata de una peticià ³n que americano realiza para su esposo/a extranjero. Pregunta 7: Otros nombres. Por ejemplo, si se han utilizado legalmente otros apellidos, como puede ser en el caso de mujeres que han estado casadas previamente utilizando el apellidos de sus anteriores maridos, o casos en los que ha habido una adopcià ³n y se usado dos nombres, etc. Si siempre se han utilizado los mismos y jams ha habido un cambio entonces hay que escribir None (no dejar en blanco). Pregunta 8: Fecha y lugar del matrimonio actual. Por ejemplo, si te casaste en Lima el 27 de julio de 2013 escribir 07/27/2013   Lima, Peru. Pregunta 9: escribe en tu columna tu  Nà ºmero del Seguro Social. En la columna de tu  esposo/a escribir None, salvo en casos muy concretos en que tuviera uno (de los de verdad) porque en el pasado estuvo viviendo en EEUU y obtuvo uno legalmente, ponerlo.   Pregunta 10: Escribir None tanto en tu columna como en la de tu cà ³nyuge. Puede que en el pasado tuvieras uno alien registration number, si en el pasado fuiste un residente permanente legal. Pero ahora eres un ciudadano, asà ­ que debes contestar None. En el caso de tu esposo/a, en la mayorà ­a de los casos la respuesta es None. Pero puede suceder que en el pasado hubiera tenido uno, por la razà ³n que fuera. En ese caso, anotarlo. Pregunta 11: Si has estado casado previamente, escribir el nombre de la persona que fue tu marido o tu mujer. Y lo mismo en la columna de tu cà ³nyuge. Si uno de ustedes o los dos nunca han estado casados escribir None (sà ³lo  matrimonios legales, vivir juntos no cuenta). Pregunta 12: Poner la fecha en la que el anterior matrimonio/s acabaron. Por ejemplo, si te divorciaste el 3 de agosto de 2007 escribir 08/03/2007. El matrimonio pudo finalizar por divorcio, nulidad o viudedad. Fà ­jate que hay espacio para poner ms de un matrimonio anterior, si ese fuera el caso. A partir de aquà ­ ya no contestas por ti y por tu cà ³nyuge a las mismas preguntas, sino que son diferentes. Pregunta 13: En la columna del ciudadano, te preguntan cà ³mo te convertiste en  estadounidense. Marca una x en birth in the US si naciste en Estados Unidos o uno de sus territorios, como Puerto Rico. Marca Naturalizacià ³n si fuiste residente permanente y te convertirse en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n. En este caso necesitas tener a mano el certificado de ciudadanà ­a que te dieron en la ceremonia y anotar el nà ºmero y la fecha y el lugar en el que te lo dieron.    Por à ºltimo, marca la opcià ³n parents si eres ciudadano por  ser hijo de estadounidense, aunque naciste en otro paà ­s o si te convertirse en uno cuando tu pap o tu mam se naturalizaron y tà º ya eras residente permanente, vivà ­as con ellos y eras menor de edad. Si marcas parents no te olvides de especificar si tienes certificado de ciudadanà ­a, marcando la casilla correspondiente y anotando su nà ºmero y fecha y lugar en el que fue emitido.   Pregunta 13: pregunta sobre el cà ³nyuge para el que se pide la residencia: Hay que seà ±alar con un sà ­ o un no si la persona ha estado alguna vez en Estados Unidos, como por ejemplo, de turista, de estudiante, etc.   Pregunta 14: La parte del ciudadano consta de dos subpreguntas, la primera hay que contestar N/A, es decir, no aplicable, ya que sà ³lo tendrà ­as que contestarla si fueses residente permanente. Y no lo eres, ya que ests rellenando una aplicacià ³n como ciudadano americano.  Justo debajo de esa pregunta, donde pone 14b, debes contestar sà ­ o no a si obtuviste la residencia por matrimonio con un ciudadano o un residente. La respuesta es no: Si has nacido en Estados Unidos o Puerto RicoSi eres americano por tus padresSi eres americano por naturalizacià ³n, pero la tarjeta de residencia que tuviste anteriormente la obtuviste por trabajo, por ser hermano, hijo, padre o madre de un ciudadano o por ser hijo de un residente permanente legal Por el contrario, debes marcar la  respuesta de sà ­ (donde pone Yes), en el caso de ser ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n siempre y cuando  antes sacaste tu greencard por matrimonio. Pregunta 14 para el esposo para el que se pide la tarjeta. Como à ©sta es una aplicacià ³n para pedir a un esposo que est fuera de Estados Unidos, esta pregunta no aplica y por lo tanto hay que contestar N/A donde pone He or she arrived as a: Adems, hay que dejar sin escribir nada en las dos là ­neas siguientes y pasar directamente a la pregunta siguiente. Pregunta 15: sà ³lo aplica al esposo extranjero. Pregunta nombre de la empresa para la que trabaja en la actualidad. Poner el nombre o responder N/A si no est trabajando. Y en la là ­nea siguiente poner la fecha en la que se empezà ³ a trabajar en esa compaà ±Ãƒ ­a. Pregunta 16: es muy importante contestar correctamente y la verdad a esta pregunta. Si el esposo extranjero para el que se pide el permiso de residencia ha estado previamente en Estados Unidos es posible que haya tenido un procedimiento de  inmigracià ³n. Contestar honestamente no o sà ­, segà ºn sea la respuesta correcta. Y si la contestacià ³n es afirmativa, entonces poner dà ³nde (where) y cundo (when) y justo debajo con un aspa en forma de cruz (x) marcar la casilla correspondiente.    ¿Cundo marcar Removal? Cuando con posterioridad al abril de 1997 la persona fue deportada o se le prohibià ³ la entrada en Estados Unidos y se la expulsà ³. Por ejemplo, llegà ³ a la aduana con una visa y se la envià ³ de vuelta al paà ­s del que venà ­a porque el oficial de inmigracià ³n considerà ³ que era inadmisible. O cuando un juez ordenà ³ una deportacià ³n. O cuando cruzà ³ ilegalmente la frontera, fue agarrada y se la expulsà ³.  ¿Cundo marcar Exclusion/deportation? En los mismos casos seà ±alados en el prrafo anterior sobre removal, pero cuando tuvieron lugar antes de abril de 1997.  ¿Cundo marcar rescission?  Cuando se ha tenido una tarjeta de residencia (greencard) y un juez de inmigracià ³n decidià ³ quitrsela.  ¿Cundo marcar judicial proceedings? Cuando se ha tenido un trmite de cualquier tipo ante una corte de inmigracià ³n.   Si la persona para la que se pide la tarjeta ha sido deportada, expulsada o ha tenido un caso ante un juez de inmigracià ³n entonces es muy conveniente consultar con un abogado antes de seguir y enviar la aplicacià ³n, para analizar con detenimiento las circunstancias del caso. Recordar que estos casos de deportacià ³n tienen una penalidad. Pasar a la pgina siguiente, que es la nà ºmero dos y à ºltima Desde la parte superior hasta aproximadamente la mitad de pgina se desarrolla la seccià ³n C, donde se pide informacià ³n sobre el cà ³nyuge extranjero. Pregunta 17: Hay que enumerar el nombre del esposo/a americano  y el de todos los hijos que tenga el  esposo/a extranjero para el que se pide la tarjeta de residencia,  tanto biolà ³gicos como adoptados, tanto nacidos en matrimonio o fuera de à ©l. No importa ni la edad de los hijos, ni si estn casados o solteros y si se piensa pedirlos para que emigren a Estados Unidos o no. Lo à ºnico que hay que hacer es poner el nombre de TODOS los hijos que tiene el esposo extranjero.  Adems, hay que especificar el tipo de parentesco, la fecha y paà ­s de nacimiento. Ejemplo, eres una mujer ciudadana y pides a tu esposo, que tienes dos hijos de una relacià ³n anterior y un hijastro fruto de un matrimonio anterior. Habrà ­a que rellenar este apartado asà ­: Marà ­a Luz Rodrà ­guez (es decir, tu nombre), wife (o husband, si eres un hombre)   09/24/1967 Spain (este serà ­a el nombre y los datos del ciudadano americano que hace la peticià ³n)Isabel Fernndez Iglesias daughter   04/18/2009 (hija del esposo extranjero)Diego Fernndez Iglesias son   07/27/2010 (hijo del esposo extranjero)Fernando Snchez Iglesias stepson 12/12/2004 (hijastro del esposo extranjero) Pregunta 18: La direccià ³n en Estados Unidos donde vivirà ­a tu esposo/a, una vez que saque la tarjeta de residencia. Obviamente, al tratarse de un matrimonio, tienes que poner tu direccià ³n. Pregunta 19: La direccià ³n de tu esposo/a en el paà ­s en el que reside actualmente. Tambià ©n escribir el nà ºmero de telà ©fono. Pregunta 20: responder N/A, ya que sà ³lo aplica a personas que utilizan un alfabeto distinto al nuestro, como por ejemplo los chinos, los griegos o los rabes. Pregunta 21: Si has compartido casa con tu esposo/a, escribe la direccià ³n y la fecha de inicio y de fin de esa convivencia. Posiblemente tengas que contestar N/A, si es que nunca habà ©is vivido juntos. Pregunta 22: La respuesta es N/A porque ests pidiendo los papeles para tu cà ³nyuge que est en el extranjero. Y esta pregunta sà ³lo aplica si es que tu esposo/a est ya en Estados Unidos y va a aplicar por un ajuste de estatus. Las siguientes dos preguntas corresponden al apartado D y son las siguientes Pregunta 1: si adems de por tu esposo/a ests enviando ms peticiones para hijos o hijastros, debes decir a quià ©n ms pides (que necesariamente tiene que ser en otra peticià ³n separada) y cul es la relacià ³n. Por ejemplo, si tambià ©n pides a la hija de tu marido, poner su nombre y aà ±adir la palabra stepdaughter, que es hijastra, que es la relacià ³n que tiene contigo. Pregunta 2: Tienes que contestar sà ­ o no si has realizado una peticià ³n de tarjeta de residencia con anterioridad, para tu cà ³nyuge o para otra persona. Si contestas sà ­ debes poner su nombre, el lugar y la fecha en la que realizaste la peticià ³n y el resultado. Por ejemplo, pediste a tu hermano hace dos aà ±os. Entonces marca la casilla de yes y en la là ­nea siguiente escribe los datos que te piden. Por ejemplo, si yo hubiera pedido a mi hermano hace diez aà ±os y la peticià ³n fue aprobada escribirà ­a: Carlos Rodrà ­guez, Vermont, 03/05/2003 Approved Apartado E. del I-130 Debes firmar a mano (por lo que despuà ©s de acabar de llenar todo el formulario procede a imprimir y acuà ©rdate de firmar en ese momento) Antes de imprimir,  poner la fecha en la que has cumplimentado la planilla y  tu nà ºmero de telà ©fono. Finalmente el apartado F sà ³lo aplica en los casos en los que otra persona haya rellenado por ti esta planilla, como una agencia o un abogado.  ¿Cà ³mo saber si el USCIS ha recibido la solicitud y si la ha aprobado? Para estos efectos, el USCIS se comunica enviando al solicitante unos documentos conocidos como NOA1 y NOA2.  ¿quà © son y quà © informacià ³n comunican? Planilla que necesitas Descarga gratis el I-130.  Adems, enviar toda la documentacià ³n necesaria de apoyo y si est en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, se debe certificar la traduccià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

History- Modern latin america Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History- Modern latin america - Assignment Example 2. Outcome of Mexico Independence Mexicans, won independence from Spanish colonial authorities in 1821. Stephen Austin’s settlers were then, directed to become Mexican citizens; members of the Roman Catholic Church and learn Spanish. When Mexican government condemned slavery, Texans (Americans in Austin’s colony) rebelled and were declared republic in 1839. Post colonial era witnessed major conflicts, the  War of the Triple Alliance  (1864–1870) and the  War of the Pacific  (1879–1884).  Porfirio Diaz (1884-1910) tried to maintain law and order in Mexico. He helped modernize economy by boosting foreign investment; export of the natural resources and expanding railroads though majority of land and resources remained concentrated in hands of wealthy owners, resulting majority population poor. In the second decade of 20th century uprisings held by Francisco Madero against autocrat Diaz led to largest upheaval, â€Å"Mexico revolution†. Refere nce: 1. Stephen, Lynn.  Zapata Lives: Histories and Cultural Politics in Southern Mexico, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002 Print.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The History of Winter Olympic Games Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The History of Winter Olympic Games - Term Paper Example The Winter Olympic Games were disrupted by both World War 1 and World War 2. Other than the games being completely canceled because of the war and the plans being suspended, there were strained relations after the war between the nations that had been at war and their allies (Wickenheiser, 2009). The Olympic Games were feared to be held in some nations such as the Soviet Union after the war for fear of reaction of the enemies of the Soviet Union. The Worlds Wars also led to world depression and hence after the wars, few nations were able to participate in the next winter Olympic Games as the rest lacked expense money. The participants even from the nations that attended were few. Doping has been a headache to the organizers of this particular sport as with many other sports. The measures taken since 1967 have been to perform random drug tests on the participants and banning those found with positive results. The most common doping drugs are the performance enhancers. The other controversy that has rocked these games is the bribing of the planning committee officials with expensive gifts in order for their countries to be selected to host the games. The most controversial and which saw 10 officials sent packing is the 2002 Salt Lake City, USA Olympics (Gerlach, 2004). Politics have always been a silent but present issue in these winter Olympic Games. Most nations still have cold war amongst themselves and they push them in the games. Some nations use the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to show off to the nations and those which have been successful in the number of medals use this as a way to express their powers such as the US. The nations that have always had a grudge against each other go to the extent of skipping the winter games when they take place in the enemy country. Even though the politics are silent and not expressed openly, it still affects the sole purpose of the games

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business Analysis of Energy Drink Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Analysis of Energy Drink - Essay Example As for the customers who will purchase this product, they would include the teenagers who are the residents of metropolitan areas. These would comprise of the SEC A and B classes who would have parental incomes above US$5,000 on an annual scale. The company believes in delivering state of the art energy drinks to its customers which essentially suggest the goodwill that the energy drink company has believed in ever since its inception. The leadership style at the company has focused on satisfying the market and the consumers and delivering quality rather than just mere words. Quality is backed up with quantity by making sure that the product is available at all the retail outlets. The leadership style is thus surely one which will help develop and sustain the business for a long period of time. It will help build solid rapport with the partners and channel members at the different levels, which include the distributors, wholesalers, retailers and so on and so forth. The market right now is quite attractive for the energy drink market and I believe it is the right time to hit the market with our product as it offers a different taste and aroma surrounding it. Market is on the rise and I am sure with the passage of a little time, my brand would also hit the retail outlets just like all the other popular brands have already done. The survey that we did before launching the energy drink consisted of both the primary research data as well as the secondary one. Primary data included the matter related with asking questions from the people in a random order. The sample consisted of around 250 men and women combined. The secondary data was collected from A C Nielsen, the marketing research concern. The questions that were asked included the following: 1. Do you drink energy drinks' 2. What is one thing that you like about energy drinks' 3. Would you go for an expensive energy drink or one that costs less and gives more in terms of benefits like rich taste, aroma and a sense of attachment with it' 4. Would you go for Aloha Energy Drink if we give it to you for X dollars' Product The product itself is the Aloha Energy Drink which is available within the market at a reasonable rate. It is one of the most sought after energy drinks that will be there in the market and offers a niche segment of its own. Its competitors will understand that Aloha Energy Drink is a name to reckon with, in the relevant market domains and thus Aloha would come out as a winner at the end of the day. Place There are a few managers at the retail and sales level who are concerned with delivering the product to the stores and outlets. We have the sales manager as well as the advertising manager. Then we have the marketing manager who is above both of them and takes care of all the marketing related things for the brand. The total employees are close to a thousand

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Self Reflection perspectives creating Job Satisfaction

Self Reflection perspectives creating Job Satisfaction The place I am working is call car grooming company and I fell that I have no job satisfaction in this job. I am managing the whole business and also getting good money like profit sharing on the top of the wages but some how not completely satisfy and almost lost the passion for that particular work. I have been noticed and recognized what I am doing and also performing well in my job. There is no issue with boss and money. My personal relation with my boss and staff is also good. I also handle my staff nicely. Even having all the factors in my favor I feel that I am not satisfied with my job. I believe that is has more to do with my personal traits. The question is why I am not motivated to stay longer in the job. Most of the factors related to the motivation and getting job satisfaction is in my favor and ever though the feeling of job satisfaction is missing. I questioned my self one-day. Am I getting lazy? What are the factors not driving me towards job satisfaction? And now I got the answer, which I have mentioned in my evaluation exercise. ACTION PLAN-1 Action Plan for job satisfaction: Action Described: I am not passionate about my job and not much motivation to do the job. I feel that few different motivation factors affecting my job satisfaction. I have no desire about the high pay particularly in this job. But I noticed that actually the type of job I am doing is not driving me towards the job satisfaction. The job is to deal with the employee in the car park and it not that much challenging, looking to the education and experience I have. I think to increase my job satisfaction I need to make the job more challenging and setting some target and goal in the business. Tying to improve my performance for my own satisfaction. People centered manager skills that I will develop: Its importance that I should develop my skill which will drive me towards the job satisfaction because if I do not have the passion for the job even I am performing well, its will give negative impact on my staff and there will be great impact on their performance. I will try to understand the reason, which is not driving my passion regarding the job satisfaction. Example of new behavior you will display given this new skill: I will evaluate the values and reason for not getting satisfaction towards the job. I will try to find out the job involvement that extent to which my individual is personally involved with work role. Try to focus more on job goal rather than always thinking about not having satisfaction about the job. Trying to find out the way of motivation like hygiene factor if responsible for my job satisfaction Resource you need to implement action: Creating challenging job, focus more on goal and how to achieve more target and how to improve the business culture to feel more comfortable environment in which I am working. Reviewing the team feedback toward my attitude to them. I am sure that if I am not satisfied with the job my reaction towards employee will be not good. Design of working area and environment. Try to enhance the job satisfaction by observing the requirement and knowledge. Actions specific benefit to an organization according to the theory: By building a self esteem in our self and other can have positive impact on performance. Intrinsic motivation occurs when an individual is turned on to ones work because of the positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well, rather than being dependent on external factor such as incentive pay or compliments from the boss (cited by Knicki Kreitner 2009 page 151). Job enrichment such that an employee has the opportunity to experience achievement, recognition, stimulating work, responsibility and advancement will help achieving job satisfaction (Cited by Knicki Kreitner 2009 page 15) ACTION PALN-2 SELF-REFLACTION REGARDING FAIR TREATMENT: This is regarding my self-reflection regarding the treatment towards staff. After doing the exercise I feel that I moderate but not very fair in regards to the staff treatment. My problem is that I do not have fair job satisfaction and when it comes to the staff treatment it reflect on them. Because of lack of my motivation my staff is not being treated, as they should be. My employees hard work appreciation when they performed well, their respect for the work and time they are giving to the organization to achieve the goal their questions and problems are not always been taken fairly and I have understood that employees always have a habit for complaining about the things and I was not really trying to sloe problems. My lack of accurate feedback to them were not motivated them and affecting the result in the business. After evaluating the exercise I have develop the action plan for my future improvement. ACTION PLAN -2 Action Plan for giving Fair Treatment to the employee Action Described: I usually do not give good feedback and appreciation to the employees. I was always thinking that if you appreciate your workers than they will slowly led towards the less performance. This is was my belief but they do need motivation to perform well that is what I learnt from the different motivational theory. I need to treat my employee very fairly and not just the moderately. People centered Manager skills that I will develop: I will develop my skill to motivate my employee. Employee will know this and we will try to improve the productivity and creativity. I will distinguish between fairness and equal treatment. I will give accurate feedback to the employee and rewards to performance. Example of New Behavior you will display given this new skill: I will introduce the system like a performance chart for the individual employee to see improvement in their performance. Appreciation of their hard work and solving their problems and taking feedback regarding their performance. If any training or mentoring is needed I will make sure to provide them. Their suggestions are consider seriously and try to find out the best way suitable for them as well as for organization. Resource you need to implement action: Learn the theory of motivation and their expectancy. Considering the practical experience and put in to the theory. Considering and reading the vrooms expectancy theory. Reward people for desire performance. Design challenging jobs. Monitor employee motivation through interviews or anonymous questionnaires. Make sure employee can achieve target performance levels. Actions specific benefits to an organization according to theory: Managers need valid and accurate performance ratings with which to compare employees. In accurate ratings create perceptions of inequity and thereby erode motivation.(Kinicki Kreitner 2009) Manager should use the performance ratings to differentially allocate rewards among employees. That is critical that managers allocate significantly different amount of rewards for various levels of performance. (Kinicki Kreitner 2009 ) A positive self-enhancing culture is more likely to engender higher motivation and commitment that a culture dominated by suspicion, faultfinding and blame. ACTION PLAN-3 SELF REFELECTION REGARDING GIVNG FEED BACK: I am not good in giving feed back. Sometime I want to give feedback to my employee but I struggle to give feed back to them. I feel that If I give them negative feed back for any of their work done they may feel offended and feel embarrassing and due to that reason I am usually avoid to give feed back. But I realized that feedback is very important for the manager to give to their employee and feed back can help in performance of the organization. Its also good idea to get someone to check on work before its too late to make changes. Also by not giving feedback it can create confusion when something happens after long time and we will than thing that it could have better if I could have given a feed back on this particular issue actually when it happed. Therefore much time I feel the failure in particular issues are because of not giving feed back on time. My lack of feedback habit created problems in both ways with employee for not giving them feedback for their work they were not m otivated and to the boss for not giving feed back thinking about the reflection of the feedback. I learnt that feedback is very necessary and important in the organization as well as a manager and I am putting the action in the following plan. ACTION PLAN-3 ACTION PLAN FOR GIVING FEED BACK: Action Described: I am very poor in giving feedback to my employee as well as to the boss. I am not giving feed back because I always think that what will be impact on my employee if I give them negative feedback for their work. They may take it personally and I do not wanted to create any disturb environment in the organization. But I really need to give feed back to them. My positive feedback will motivate them for their job and my negative feedback may improve their job People centered manger skills that I will adopt: Employees even after doing a good job they feel lot more confident of it after someone else tell them so. I will give them regular feed back for the work they have done it can be positive or negative and try to find out how they give importance to negative feedback to make improvement in their performance and how should I reward them by giving a positive feedback. I will identify attitudes and behavior that must change and define what attitudes and behavior will be acceptable in future. I will evaluate responses to make sure they are consistent with company policy and with the treatment of other employees. Example of new behavior you will display given this new skill: Feedback is objective information about individual or collective performance shared with those in a position to improve the situation. Subjective assessments such as you are not doing this and that do not qualify as objective feedback. Feedback should be given as an exchange of information about the status and quality of work product. It will provide a road map to success. I will try to give feedback that ensures that the manager and employees are in sync and agree on the standards and expectations of the work to be performed. I will enhance feedback by pairing specific challenging goals with specific feedback about result. Resource you need to implement action: Commitment of management by making employee reward and recognition. Advise to deliver frequent feedback to motivate workers. Newer approaches like upward feedback and 360 degree feedback. Review the work progress and culture regularly to give them feedback. Introduce performance appraisal system. Action specific benefit to an organization according to theory: Top management support and organizational climate openness can help 360-degree feedback programs success. (Kinicki Kreitner 2009). Focus feedback on things employee can control improvement not just result and performance rather than personality. Cultivate a fair and constructive climate by including positive feedback one or examples instead of dumping on employees and taking time to listen to employees can provide effective feedback. Large scales at the U.S Naval Academy, where student leaders and followers live together day and night, discover a positive impact of upward feedback on leaden behavior. (Kinicki Kreitner 2009). ACTION PLAN-4 SELF REFLECTION REGARDING HANDLING CONFLICT: I personally do not like conflict in the organization and I am always trying to avoid that and I am not at all good in handing the conflict. I am always worried about the effect on my relation with the employee and therefore I could not handle properly when conflict happens. I believe that completely avoid conflict is not a right thing and it can also not possible in modern life because it is became a part of human condition to occurs conflict at several levels. For me probably seems the lack of negotiation skill keeping me to avoid conflicts but when it happens it becomes a hard job to handle the conflict and being a manager it is very important to know how to handle the conflict and how to encourage the conflict. Conflict can be useful as well. For example conflict like functional conflict can be positive for the organization and conflict like dysfunctional can be negative for the organization. I need to learn that how to handle the functional conflict and how to handle the dysfunc tional conflict. It is the most important thing for the manager and good leader to know the types and identify the desire outcomes of the conflicts. I have now prepared the action plan how I am going to improve the skill in handling the conflicts. ACTION PLAN-4 ACTION PLAN FOR HANDLING CONFLICT Action Described: I am not good in handling when conflict takes place. I usually avoid happening conflict which every one wants but sometime to avoid conflict I am not giving proper feedback or I am not getting proper feedback and in fact I am blocking any inputs coming to the organization for the improvements. I must face the conflict as a good leader and manager and find out the best possible result for the organization. People centered manager skills that I will develop: I want to make sure that I should not be the one who is the problem of the progress. If I were avoiding the conflict means no one would happy to give me any feedback and I would not give any feedback. Conflicts are not always bad for the organization. I should be able to make out which type of conflict has taken place and what will be the out come of the conflict. Is this conflict is benefit to the organization or is it damaging the organization. I must pay attention when someone or showed little interest in their opinion Example of new behavior you will display given this new skill: I will investigate and document the conflict and take if appropriate, take corrective action like taking feedback, or behavior modification. I will avoid dragging coworkers in to the conflict unless it is extremely necessary. I will find out which type of conflict has taken place if the conflict is functional it can give positive output to the organization. These types of conflict support the goal of the organization and improve the performance. If it is dysfunctional conflict that I have to work for the best interest of my organization. I also have to be good listener and be sensitive to needs of others and co operative to handle the conflict Resource you need to implement action: Must know about the methods to handle to conflict like devils advocacy method and the Dialectic Method. I must understand the style for handling dysfunctional conflict. I must distinguish the important and concerns of every factor and apply the right theory like problem solving, smoothing, forcing, avoiding or compromising and find the best possible solution in benefit of the organization I am working for. Actions specific benefit to an organization according to the theory: Avoiding conflict doesnt make it go away the same situation is likely to continue and even to escalate. What then, is the alternative? For our present purposes it is sufficient to become consciously aware of our fears and practice overcoming them and understanding and acting upon the situation are steps in positive direction (Kinicki Kreitner 2009). ACTION PLAN-5 SELF REFLECTION REGARDING CHANGING IN ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICE: I generally do not accept the organizational change. The system once introduced in the organization when joining becomes so habituated that it makes me very uncomfortable when organizational changes happen. I always worried about whether I will be able to change the new behavior or whether I will be able to learn the new system, which is going to introduce. I do not even try to find out that new system coming in to the organization whether it is providing any benefit or not. I simply feel not comfortable when ever changes come. To change work habit is difficult task for me and even rewarding does not work here for me. Once its introduced and when we get use to the new system than its a different story but initially I always feel uncomfortable with changing organization culture. In my company when the waterless product was introduced and the system of washing cars have been changed I was always feeling uncomfortable by the new product introduce and giving excuses that the old system w as very good. I will put following action plan to improve my concept for organizational changes. ACTION PLAN-5 ACTION PLAN FOR CHANGING BEHAVIOR FOR ORGANIZATIONAL PRACTICE Action Describe: I am very low motivated person when it comes to changing organizational behavior, I do not feel comfortable when ever changes introduce and always feel fatigue about changing the organizational behavior and training all employee once again and never sure about the out come of it. I also do not bother to work out whether this change is positive for the organization or not. I need to change the way I consider my job. I should be always ready to accept new changes coming in to the origination. If I do not show enthusiasm for accepting the changes, I will not be able to motivate my staff and it will give very adverse effect on the organization. People centered manager skills that I will develop: I will try to provide as much information as possible to my employee about the changes. Inform employees about he reason and rationale for the changes. I will also conduct the meeting to address employees questions regarding the change and provide employees the opportunity to discuss how the proposed change might affect them. I will develop good communication skill with employees through the process of change. Example of new behavior you will display given this new skill: I will listen consider the benefit for changing or introducing any new behavior in the organization. I will always consider that organization must be ready for change. I will make sure that I am not making any implementation errors while changing the organizational behavior. There will be bump along the way but I will stay focus on the big picture. My awareness of the forces of change can help me determine when I should consider implementing organizational changes. Resource you need to implement action: Focus on the organizations mission and vision also the making strategic goals and target elements of change in the organization. Understand the methods of process with work flow and make the arrangement with organization with their policies and structure including rewards and training for the employees. Understand the Lewins change model and create the strategic plans, target elements of change and out put. Create the plan to achieving the vision. Anchor new approaches in the culture. Actions specific benefit to an organization according to theory: Organizational change, whether large or small is undertaken to improve some process, procedure, product, service or out come of interest to management. Because changes involve learning and doing things differently. Changes entails providing employee with new information, new behavior model new processes or procedure new equipment new technology or new ways of getting the job done. (Kinicki Kreitner 2009). Increase global competition starling breakthroughs in information technology, changes to change the way they do business. Employee want satisfactory work environments, customers are demanding grater value, and investors want more integrity in financial disclosures. The rate of organizational and societal change is clearly accelerating. (Kinicki Kreitner 2009)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Individual Freedom in Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener Essay

Individual Freedom in Melville's Bartleby, the Scrivener What motivates you to go to work everyday? What motivates you to dress the way you do? What motivates you to be reasonable when it comes to normal requests? Ah, the ultimate question in need of an answer: Who determines what is reasonable and normal, and should we not determine these matters for ourselves? Chaos would result, you say, if every individual were granted that freedom. Yet, we all do have that freedom, and Herman Melville (1819-1891) through the interpretation of a man who prefers to follow his own path in "Bartleby, the Scrivener", subjectively conveys the mental anguish he experienced as a writer and man when the literary world attempted to steal that freedom. Dear Bartleby was a harmless man with a demeanor that was capable of disarming many. From the onset of Melville's story, it becomes quite apparent that Bartleby is a man who prefers not to do what society wishes of him. He prefers not to honor any request from his employer that would make him deviate from what he prefers to be doing. Bartleby's employer quickly realized that, "there was something about Bartleby that not only strangely disarmed me, but in a wonderful manner touched and disconcerted me" (2236). Bartleby gave no argument nor tried to justify denying his employers request. He would simply state, I would prefer not to. His only motive was to do as he preferred. Bartleby's employer found this expression of freedom very strange. Where did this man come from who has the audacity to break the pattern of normalcy that we all follow? He who will not "comply with my request-a request made according to common usage and common sense...(2337). However, what was "common" for others was not comm... ...rican equals" (2292). Melville was not alive to witness this revival. Due to his resolve to retain his literary freedom, he was able to attain everlasting literary success that resounds from his own realm of reasonable and normal. As for myself, I would prefer not to disclose any motivational reasoning for my own preferences; less I confuse even further those who still cannot understand my denying "normal and reasonable" request. "If I were to regulate the writings of my mind- I would never write". Works Cited * Melville, Herman. "Bartleby, the Scrivener." The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Baym. 6th ed. Vol.B. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2003. 2290-2337 * Edwards, Jonathan. "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Baym. 6th ed. Vol.A. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2003. 503

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Thousand Reasons to Smile Essay

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. Whether it is through pain or laughter, life has an interesting way of teaching people lessons of strength and growth. When life throws a difficult task in our paths, we all have the opportunity to grow and become better individuals. Through pain and sorrow I have learned to look at life with a new perspective. My life changed that dreadful day when I was faced with the shock and undeniable truth of my little brother’s death. It was the hot month of June, 2006. The days were getting hotter and hotter and every day the news reported the lack of rain and record high temperatures. I woke up that morning with an overwhelming feeling of joy from a dream that I had of being with God. I had a conversation with him, and all I remember was him telling me how great of a person I was and how much he loved me. That feeling of joy was suddenly interrupted by a phone call from my mom. It felt like my heart stopped beating even before the first words came out of her mouth, â€Å"Your brother was in a car accident last night and is in serious condition†, she said, her voice shaky. She couldn’t hold back the tears. My world stopped and a black cloud covered my sky. I can still remember the pain that I felt that day. The fear of losing my only brother immediately took over me, and hearing my mom’s weeping voice on the other end of the phone broke my heart that much more. The dawn broke and so did our hearts, as the news came of my brother’s passing. He was gone. Gone with the blink of an eye. I became angry at the world and especially at my little brother, who had made an unwise decision that night to go out drinking and driving. For months I went through a period of depression, denying myself of life, just as life had denied my brother of the rest of his. There is an appointment in every disappointment in our lives. This phrase was one of the main encouragements of my life at that time; and explains the overwhelming feeling of happiness that life is offering me right now. Seven years has gone by since my brother passed away, and ironically on the day that he would turn twenty seven years old, I decided to get my hair cut, which was getting uncomfortably long for my taste. I sat straight up in the seat and nervously waited for the woman to start buzzing away at my cut, I was nervous because my wife was at home, about to take the test to determine our future, perhaps forever. If it’s negative, she’ll just text me. If its positive. . . with that, my cell phone started vibrating violently in my jeans pocket. Startled, I answered it. â€Å"Hello?† I asked, even though I knew it was my wife. â€Å"We are pregnant!† she screamed excitedly. Needless to say, I ran out of that Super Cuts, all of a sudden not caring w hether my cut was long or short. I am going to be a father. No, I am going to be a daddy. The emotions are indescribable as I imagine my future son kicking a soccer ball towards me, or my future daughter insisting we have a tea party. The joy is overwhelming when I think of how the love my wife and I share will soon be multiplied the day our baby arrives. We spend countless moments discussing what we think our child will look like, and then we laugh the discussions away by saying â€Å"as long as he or she is healthy†, which sounded like a clichà © to us before we were expecting, but now is a concerning reality. But not even that could overshadow the happiness that we were experiencing as the new life was growing daily. The same day we found out, I called my mom’s house. She answered the phone on the first ring. Her tired and frail voice told the story of what our family had gone through 7 years before. I cleared my throat, anxious to deliver the news. â€Å"You’re going to be a grandmother!† I exclaimed. Her voice shook with tears, tears of unmistakable joy this time around. Her excitement spilled over the phone and I was overwhelmed with tears to be able to deliver the news: the news of a new life, especially to the woman that had given life to me. It is funny to me that the same tears that stream down our faces can come from tragedy but can also come from overwhelming happiness. I have experienced both, and believe that each and every one of us will at some point in our lives. It is how we allow those experiences to shape our perspectives that will vary from person to person. Life gave me a hundred reasons to cry that fateful day in June, and that’s exactly what I did. But I allowed the grieving process to teach me to never take a day of life in this world for granted. I learned to always tell those in my life that I love them, to never hold grudges, to live in peace, to see the best in people and all circumstances, and to look at the world with an appreciative attitude. I plan to share this perspective with my baby, who is due this coming September 2013. I will always tell him or her, â€Å"You are not only a hundred, but a million reasons to smile.†